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Have you ever wanted to know how to pass out literature to large crowds? Watch me pass out literature at the pagan Wanderlust Festival and show you the four things you need to know to effectively get literature out to big crowds.
Who are the Nephilim? Does the Bible really teach that angels or demons came down got married and had sex with human women which gave birth to giants? And how is the Hollywood entertainment industry today involved with this ancient mystery? Many Hollywood entertainers are directly linked with the Antichrist power whether they realize it …
Who are the Nephilim? Are they human giants that are a product of the angels intermarrying with humans? The Nephilim are a hotly debated topic today, with evidence of Nephilim skeletons being found all over the world. Did Nephilim giants really inhabit the world at one time? Who are the “sons of God” that came …
by Gabriel Arruda, Speaker/Director — Get free updates on new articles here The act of God making guilty sinners worthy of eternal death and spotless saints worthy of eternal life is the single most important topic anyone can understand during our sojourn on earth. This is probably why Satan has attacked this topic from just …
Are you unhappy where you’re at in life? Are you always hoping for something better in your tomorrow? The reality is, you can actually enjoy today better with a change in how you look at your present moment. In this inspirational video, motivational speaker Gabriel Arruda shares how the devil robs us of our present. …
Is ISIS extreme or are they just logically carrying out the teachings of Islam? This is the big question about ISIS. Most people, especially Muslim Americans, will say that ISIS is extreme. They’ll say that ISIS is not doing what the Koran really teaches Muslims to do. One Muslim man I interviewed who is the …
Pope Francis is involved in current events and in the fulfillment of end-time prophecy. In this video, you’re going to discover six things that you probably didn’t know about Pope Francis. From his early life with pictures from his biography, his scandals, Jesuit roots, his rise to becoming Pope of the Roman Catholic church and …
Looking at the Top 10 Failed End-of-the-World Prophecies of 2015. The Rapture, Daniel and Revelation prophecy, and End Times Events, this video looks at them all! You’ll learn about the four Blood Moons, Jade Helm, the September 23rd 2015 financial collapse, Islamic Clerics Mahdi predictions, the Shemitah prophecy and more.