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Who are the Nephilim? Does the Bible really teach that angels or demons came down got married and had sex with human women which gave birth to giants?  And how is the Hollywood entertainment industry today involved with this ancient mystery? Many Hollywood entertainers are directly linked with the Antichrist power whether they realize it …

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(This is a short preview from the presentation “Is the End Near? How Near?,” which is part 1 in the Bible prophecy series Revelation Revealed.) How soon is the end of the world? Very soon? Could it happen in our lifetime? This presentation shows just how many signs have been fulfilled and nails down exactly …

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(This is a short preview from the presentation “God’s Great Judgment,” which is part 9 in the Bible prophecy series Revelation Revealed.) One day, every single person who has ever lived will stand before God to answer for every deed done on this earth. When is that court case? And how can you make sure …

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