I am a motivational speaker and Bible prophecy specialist. I am a northern California native and have been traveling nationally and internationally for the last 10 years teaching the uplifting message of the Bible. I specialize in making the mysteries of Bible prophecy clear and easy-to-understand for everyone.
My first passion as a youth was art. At 21 years old I decided to make a career out of it. I enrolled in art school in San Francisco. It was fun and exciting at first, but life eventually came crashing down on me. As unlikely of a place as it may seem, while in art school in San Francisco I found God.I had some extreme difficulties in my life. Art school was harder than I imagined, my student loans were piling up fast, my artwork stunk, and I was having trouble in my relationships. I was seriously questioning my faith. But at my lowest moment, I cried out to God and began studying the Bible as I never had before. And there it was that I found Him as my Savior. Despite the fact that I had been setting Jesus on the back burner my whole life, what I found was that He loved me more than anyone else ever would.
I was working hard preparing to work as a concept artist for a major motion picture or gaming company when in my fourth year of art school, God made it very clear that He did not want me working in the entertainment industry through a drastic event. He wanted me to work for Him.I originally started out working as a Christian artist and illustrator. I was doing very well with it and loved it - getting to illustrate many of the prophetic scenes of the Bible, seeing my work appear on publications and DVDs, etc. But gradually, the more and more I learned about Bible prophecy the more and more I felt that I needed to do all I could to let the world know about the things the Bible said are going to happen very soon. I received some pastoral training, and the opportunities to get involved in pubic ministry came more and more.
My wife, who has been my best friend and the love of my life for the last 10 years, is an artist also, and she currently works as a freelance graphic designer. She has been such a bright spot to me, and has been my companion in everything.
We do quite a bit more traveling than the average person might do because of the line of work I’m in, which is definitely not without its challenges, but we feel very blessed and privileged to be doing what we’re doing.God has given me an abundance of opportunities to share Christ and the Bible with others. I love sharing the messages of Bible truth and exposing Satan’s last-day deceptions because my experience has been that there are many interested people everywhere (both Christians and non-Christians alike) who want to know more about Bible prophecy and what God says will transpire before He comes.
I still love to do art when I have the free time. Much of my professional artwork work has been done digitally which is fun, but there’s also still nothing like a brush and canvas. I also enjoy playing guitar and writing music which I’ve been doing for about 20 years. I love hiking, surfing, snowboarding, and spending quality time with family and friends.
But my favorite hobby of all is studying the Bible and reading books that shed more light on Scripture. That’s really incredible coming from a guy who grew up hating to read. The most thrilling fiction novel could barely hold my attention, and now I love deep Bible study. That’s incredible and nothing short of a miracle!I find that the Bible is an endless treasure chest filled with limitless opportunities for the diligent student who will take God at His word and trust the Holy Spirit to lead me into all truth.
Jesus means everything to me in my life. He’s given me salvation, strength, health, happiness, and a mission and purpose in life. And for all He’s done for me, it’s an honor and joy to give glory to Him by sharing His truth in these last days.Gabriel Arruda
Revelation Revealed